Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Take me down to......Perplex City

There have been some developments at Peplex City, it is starting to look interesting!

Academy Master Sente Kiteway's plans for retrieving the Receda Cube were finally unveiled today. Speaking at a press conference, spokesperson Valerian Reynolds confirmed that Kiteway is releasing a card-based puzzle game on Earth, not unlike some of our own PCAG games, with a point system for prestige and ranking. Some of these cards have now been released to 333 individuals on Earth as a limited-edition preview.

"The objective of this game is threefold," said Reynolds. "First, we need to attract attention to our situation, to better our odds of locating the Cube. Second, we have to inform the people of Earth about ourselves and our culture. Third, we hope that this game will encourage the people of Earth to take a playful approach to the problem, leading to more creative thinking."

Letters from the people of Earth to the Sentinel have betrayed confusion; some Cube-seekers appear now to believe that the Cube is merely a "reward" to be awarded to the searcher who accrues the most points. "Even Sente's most vocal opponents don't seriously believe he knows where it is now, and is somehow concealing it," agreed City Council Leader Camryn Scott. "It's simply unthinkable."

Let me know if you are following this.


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