Friday, January 27, 2006


Show me where you are reading this highly entertaining blog by clicking on the Frappr box down below on the right just above 'Todays Birthdays".

This will then show in a graphical way where all the daddy or chips? readers are viewing us from.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Tag Board - gone

Due to the overwhelming response to the tag board I have been instructed by my web hosts to remove it as the traffic was causing their multi-million pound hosting centre to over-heat.

On a brighter note I have still not started training yet for this years schedule of marathons which is due to start in April with London followed by Paris, New York and Sydney.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Tag Board

I have added a tag board down there on the lower right hand side, please feel free to leave me a message or someinc. If you have ever trawled through my archives! you will have seen that I used to have a tag board on the site. It was not used a great deal and so I did not miss it but having noticed it again today I thought I would try it again on the main page.

**** Still not running , I will have to start again soon otherwise I will forget how to do it.